
Content from the archive portion of DAAL
Collections List

A list of the larger collections at the DAAL. These range in size from a single flat box 4" deep to multiple banker's boxes. The information in the list gives the subject/name of the collection, the name of the donor(s) and the number of boxes (type not specified). Some of these collections, or portions thereof, may be available in the "Collections in the Stacks" portion of this repository. Availability depends upon any restrictions placed upon the individual collection.and whether the content has been reviewed and cataloged.

Family Files List

A list of smaller collections at the DAAL. These typically consist of a single file folder with a small number of items of varying usefulness. The information in the list gives the subject/name of the file and the name of the donor(s), if known. Some of these files, or portions thereof, may be available in the "Family Files" portion of this repository. Availability depends upon any restrictions placed upon the individual file.and whether the content has been reviewed and cataloged.

Collections - Digital-Only

In addition to the Collections in the Stacks and the Family Files, all of which are present on this site and in physical form at the DAAL, these collections are present only in digital formats.

Collections in the Stacks

These folders contain digitized documents, photos, audio, video, etc from the collections housed in acid-free boxes in the stacks at the Danish American Archive and Library. Some of this material may be publicly available. Other materials may be restricted for access by owners/donors of the materials and, possibly, to family members or authorized researchers.

Family Files

These folders contain small collections of digitized documents, photos, audio, video, etc housed in file folders at the Danish American Archive and Library. These folders are maintained separate from the materials in the stacks. Some of this material may be publicly available. Other materials may be restricted for access by owners/donors of the materials and, possibly, to family members or authorized researchers.

Collections - Digital-Only

These folders contain documents, photos, audio, video, etc that have been provided to the Danish American Archive and Library in digital formats only. Some of this material may be publicly available. Other materials may be restricted for access by owners/donors of the materials and, possibly, to family members or authorized researchers.