DBL-2000 Danish Brotherhood Society

The Danish Brotherhood Society (DBS) was a fraternal organization founded by Danish American immigrants in 1880 which provided social activities as well as a life insurance plan for members. The DAAL has a large collection of DBS materials that include membership records, individual lodge records and memorabilia. The membership records, in particular, are useful as historical records for researchers and genealogists in the United States and in Denmark.
Danish Brotherhood 1982 (100th year)

An informative 100th anniversary brochure which includes historical information about the Society and a list of the numerous individual lodges of which it was comprised.

Danish Brotherhood Membership List

A list of all recorded members of the Danish Brotherhood Society taken from the Society's membership ledgers held at the DAAL. The list provides members' names, date of birth (if known), date of death (if known) and location of the lodge(s) of which they were a member. Further information about individuals present in the list is available from the physical records held at the DAAL This PDF contains 1,587 pages.

DBS Ledger Danish-English Headings

English translations of the Danish column headings in the older DBS membership ledgers. This will be useful for persons who obtain scans of ledger pages of interest.