Individuals and Groups Interviewed by H.B. Simonsen

This is a list of the people interviewed by H.B. Simonsen during this effort. The interviews were recorded and subsequently archived digitally at DAAL. The list includes the location where the interview took place.

Interviews of Danish-Americans

Annette Andersen, Danebod Folk Meeting (DFM)

A group of four people in Askov

Asta Twedt and Solveig Gregory, DFM

Axel Thomsen, Ringsted

Bridget Jensen, DFM

Carol Ekberg, DFM

Clayton Nielsen, Elk Horn

Dagmar Muthamia, DFM

Delores Jespersen, Des Moines

Edwin Petersen, West Denmark

Eiler Ravenholt, West Denmark

Erna Jensen, Des Moines

Harald Jensen, Ringsted

Jeanette Lillehoj, Elk Horn

Johanne Hansen, Des Moines

Joy Ibsen, DFM

Karma Sorensen, Elk Horn

Lee Molgaard, Des Moines

Marilyn Kramme,

Mark Mattes, Des Moines

Norman Rasmussen, Ringsted

Singing at DFM

Sonja Walker, DFM