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DAAL's Internal Repository

Descriptions of many of the digitized items and collections maintained in the DAAL's Internal Repository, which is accessible only at the DAAL's office in Blair, Nebraska.

The Internal Repository includes the following items/collections accessible to the public:

  • Digitized portions of special collections: These are often collections donated by individuals or families and are often quite extensive. For example, the Vig Collection (from Einar Vig) is one of these collections. These are arranged in sections for each family as they are digitized and can be searched and viewed in the repository. The physical documents are also available for searching and viewing in the DAAL's office in Blair, Nebraska. Somme of these collections include extensive genealogical data.
  • Oral History Recordings: digitized from over 100 audio cassette tapes recorded from the 1960s through the 1990s and previously housed in the Dana College library. These are interviews of many "old timers" of Dana, Blair and Washington County, Nebraska, about life in the 1800s into early 1900s, Danish immigration to the US and Nebraska, the development of Washington County and its towns and institutions, and the history of Dana College and Trinity Seminary.
  • Danish Brotherhood: indices of members and record books (includes all of the USA)
  • Dana College lists of students, faculty and staff indicating when each person was at Dana
  • Obituaries of Danish immigrants and their descendants
  • Recordings of Dana events and special lectures
  • Phonograph records and tape recordings from the library of Dana College and Dana's original Danish American Archive
  • Dana College records and publications
  • Memorabilia and numerous records of Lauritz Melchior, the prominent 20th century opera star especially noted as a Wagnerian heldentenor (heroic tenor)